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What Is Your Returns Provider Giving You for Christmas This Year?

‘Tis the season for explosive shopping followed by excessive returns and expensive processing costs. However, returns don’t have to be retailers' nightmare before Christmas. Organizations can work with experienced returns management providers to sleep easier knowing they have meaningful support before the annual returns blitz begins. 

Download the report to learn what the best returns providers can give this holiday season.

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Thought Leadership Report: How we leverage recommerce to increase retail profits

May 6, 2021

Here, we discuss the secondary market evolution and how goTRG leverages re-commerce opportunities to optimize recoveries and retail profits.


How to Choose a Qualified Refurbisher to Boost Retail Profits

September 2, 2020

goTRG report: Retailers want to make returns profitable by outsourcing refurbishment. Here's how they can choose a qualified refurbisher for the highest ROI.


The Next Frontier: Returns as a Service

July 7, 2021

Returns as a Service, or RaaS uses best practices for every part of the reverse supply chain to foster customer loyalty and increased profits.
