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The Washington Post

The age of free online returns is ending

December 9, 2022

We’ve all been there — scrolling on a clothing brand’s website, finding a pair of jeans we love only to toggle between two sizes, unsure which will fit. So we order both, fully intending to return the pair that doesn’t work.

Retailers have subtly discouraged such multi-size ordering — a process known as bracketing — and returns in general by omitting shipping labels from delivery packages even as they continue to give full refunds when customers brought merchandise back.

Now, they’re showing a bit more candor. Several major chains, including…

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About goTRG

goTRG is a leading reverse logistics company that specializes in solving returns. goTRG's connected suite of returns management SaaS, reverse supply chain, and ReCommerce services, under one roof, delivers a true end-to-end solution for returns from initiation through resale. goTRG works with retailers, eCommerce brands, and vendors, to deliver the smartest choices for every touch movement and pricing decision, while also preventing items from unnecessarily ending up in landfills.

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