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CX Dive

Returns are the last, but not least, component of a holiday CX strategy

December 14, 2023

Returns are just as much a part of the overall customer experience as purchases. A good returns experience is simple and eases any misgivings the customer may have about making that return, according to Steve Rop, COO of returns management services firm, goTRG. Retailers should look at returns as an opportunity to grow customer loyalty, rather than frustrate customers to the point they avoid interacting with the brand, Rop added.

"Don't make them feel guilty for returning it, and all along the way make it frictionless and build your brand," Rop explained in an interview with CX Dive. "Those are the best words I could say to any retailer just trying to make a customer happy."

More than 2 in 5 retailers have observed an increase in BORIS traffic, and about half said they are strategizing to encourage this during the holidays, as per goTRG's 2023 Holiday Returns Report found. "Getting customers into the store presents an opportunity for brands to wow them with their customer service, even if it slows down the return process," said Rop.

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About goTRG

goTRG is a leading reverse logistics company that specializes in solving returns. goTRG's connected suite of returns management SaaS, reverse supply chain, and ReCommerce services, under one roof, delivers a true end-to-end solution for returns from initiation through resale. goTRG works with retailers, eCommerce brands, and vendors, to deliver the smartest choices for every touch movement and pricing decision, while also preventing items from unnecessarily ending up in landfills.

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